Healing with Roisin

If you struggle with long standing digestive problems, skin problems or constant tiredness it may be the case that your body struggles to process certain ingredients. Our food intolerance test can detect intolerances to things such as dairy, gluten, and histamines that can be found in specific foods and drinks. Once we find out what is causing your symptoms, our food intolerance consultant can suggest the next steps that will help you.

Our simple, painless test for food intolerance is able to pinpoint potentially harmful foods that could be causing your symptoms. Our food allergy consultant can offer you advice on a sensible elimination diet, as well as a vitamin and mineral check which is also provided alongside basic nutritional counselling.

Almost 100 substances which include common foods and drinks are tested during your visit with our food allergy consultant, plus vitamins and minerals deficiencies. Any food or substance that is not found on the list below you can bring along with you and it can be run through the test to check for intolerances. Things such as make up, perfumes, washing detergents are able to be tested if brought with you. The equipment we use include an electronic machine which measures the body’s resistance to specific substances contained in foods. If a substance is found to be causing a problem, it will affect the body’s measured energy resistance. The food intolerance test is completely painless and is best described as a ball point pen touching the tip of your finger upon an acupuncture point.
An appointment with our food intolerance consultant will take approximately 30minutes. An essential part of the test service is to provide nutritional advice and counselling geared to your individual circumstances and needs.
This food intolerance test is suitable for anyone other than those with a pacemaker and any aged child subject to them being on solid foods. If you are taking prescribed medication this will not interfere with the test.
This is dependent on the individual, but we tend to find that only one test is necessary. It is advisable that at least one follow up appointment one month after the test is carried out, to monitor progress whilst eliminating food from your diet.
This will depend on whether your body can tolerate the food once it has been reintroduced into your diet, after an initial 4-week programme. In some circumstances this 4-week period will have to be extended, if, for example, the body’s immune and digestive systems need additional support to eradicate the underlying problem. The machine has an accuracy between 75-80% and in order to fully complete the programme you must eliminate the suggested food to see if they are in fact causing a problem.

Barley. Wheat. Rye. Oats. Corn. Rice. Buckwheat. Cow’s Milk. Goat’s Milk. Sheep’s Milk. Cheese (Cow). Lactose. Yogurt (Cow). Egg (Chicken). Chicken. Turkey. Pork. Beef. Lamb. Cod. Salmon. Sardine. Tuna. Prawn. Plaice. Potato. Swede. Soya Bean. Lentils. Pea. Spinach. Haricot Beans. Onions. Cauliflower. Carrot. Cabbage. Beetroot. Cucumber. Lettuce. Peppers. Tomato. Kiwi. Apricot. Blackcurrant. Melon. Peach. Apple. Banana. Pear. Orange. Strawberry. Pineapple. Plum. Tea. Coffee. Yeast Bakers. Yeast Brewers. Sugar (Beet). Sugar (Cane). Almonds. Hazelnut. Chocolate. Dark Chocolate. Cocoa. Broccoli. Tonic Water. Beer. Larger. White Wine. Red Wine. Whiskey. Vodka. Gin. Garlic. E621 MSG. E102 Tartrazine Food Colouring. E123 Amaranth. E127 Erythrosine Food Colouring. E110 Sunset Yellow Food Colouring. E150 Brown. E210 Benzoic Acid. E219 Antifungal. E250 Sodium Nitrite. E251 Sodium Nitrate. E252 Potassium Nitrate. E951 Aspartame Artificial Sweetener. Pollens. Grass. Mixed Moulds. Cigarette Smoke. House Dust Mix. Pet Hair (Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Horse).